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Who to Invite to a Memorable Malaysia Engagement Party

You’re planning your best friend’s engagement party – how exciting! As the maid of honour, you want this celebration to be unforgettable. The guest list is crucial to creating a memorable event, so choose wisely. Forget the standard invites to distant relatives and coworkers your friend last saw years ago. For this special engagement party, keep the guest list intimate and include only the people that truly matter to the bride- and groom-to-be.

engagement happy

Invite their closest friends that have shared in their relationship from the start – the ones that were there when they first met, when they said “I love you” for the first time when he popped the question. Ask their parents and siblings, who have loved and supported them. And remember any beloved aunts, uncles or cousins with whom they share a special bond. Keep the overall number around 50-75 for an intimate feel where the guests of honour can give each person quality time. With a handpicked guest list of their nearest and dearest, this engagement party is sure to be an unforgettable kickoff to the wedding celebrations for a couple who means so much to you.

The Happy Couple: Your Engaged Friends

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The happy couple, your engaged besties, are the guests of honour! This is their big moment, and you want to make them feel special.

Have their closest friends and family give heartfelt toast about the couple and their relationship. Share inside jokes, funny stories and well wishes for their future together. Your BFF will appreciate hearing how much she is loved and supported.

You could also organize a slideshow of photos throughout their relationship with a soundtrack of “their” songs. Watching their love story unfold on screen is sure to make them feel sentimental in the best way.

Most importantly, give the future newlyweds your blessing and excitement for this new chapter they’re embarking on. Let them know you fully support them in pursuing their happily ever after. After all, that’s what best friends are for!

With the right mix of sentimental moments, humour and cheer, this engagement party will be meaningful and unforgettable for the guests of honour. And you, as the maid of honour and best friend, will feel overjoyed at being able to celebrate this special time in their lives.

Congratulations to the happy couple! Here’s to the first of many celebrations on the road to “I do”. The adventure begins!

Close Family Members: Parents, Siblings and Grandparents

engagement malaysia engagement engage malaysia couple

When planning an engagement party, you must invite close family members like parents, siblings, and grandparents. After all, they’ve been there from the start and helped shape the amazing people your best friend and their fiancé have become!

  • Parents: As the ones who lovingly raised your best friend, the parents deserve a front-row seat on this joyous occasion. Ask about any dietary restrictions or accessibility needs and accommodate them.
  • Siblings: Whether brothers, sisters or both, siblings share a special lifelong bond. Have your best friend’s siblings give a heartfelt toast or help with a fun game to include them in the celebrations.
  • Grandparents: For grandparents, witnessing their grandchild’s engagement is a precious gift. Take extra time to speak with the grandparents, ask for any advice or well wishes they have for the happy couple, and make them feel as special as they are.


An engagement party brings together friends and family to honour an important life milestone. By inviting close family members, you ensure that those who have had the greatest impact and influence are present to offer their love, support and blessings. This is sure to make the occasion even more memorable and meaningful for your best friend and sweetheart.

With the enthusiasm of close family surrounding them, your best friend’s engagement is off to a joyful start. Here’s to the happy couple and many more celebrations to come!

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen: Your Wedding Entourage

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Your wedding entourage is one of the most important parts of your engagement party. These are your closest friends and family who have supported you throughout your relationship and will continue to support you on your journey to marriage.


Your bridesmaids are your best girlfriends who you want standing by your side on your big day. Invite your closest friends and sisters to be your bridesmaids. Let them know how much their friendship means to you and that you want them involved in this important chapter of your life. Ask them to help you plan the engagement party and get their input on the theme, decorations and activities. Make them feel special – after all, they’re the ones who will be helping you with your wedding dress in a few months!


Remember the groom’s side! The groom’s closest buddies should be on the guest list for an epic engagement bash. The groomsmen will play an important role in the wedding, so invite them to be involved in the engagement celebrations. Ask the groom to choose friends that have supported your relationship and want to stand up with him at your wedding. Let the groomsmen contribute to planning a fun surprise or game for the groom at the party.

  • Include friends from universities or hometowns in addition to current friends.
  • Siblings and cousins are also great additions to the wedding entourage.
  • Keep the numbers balanced on both the bride’s and groom’s sides.
  • Give small gifts to thank your wedding entourage for their friendship and support.
  • Capture photos with your bridesmaids and groomsmen at the engagement party! These will become cherished memories.


Your wedding entourage represents the people closest to you, so make sure to warmly welcome them at your wonderful engagement soiree! Their support and friendship will make your celebration even more special and memorable.

Close Friends: The People Who Have Been There Through It All

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Your Best Friends Deserve a Place of Honor

Your engagement party wouldn’t be complete without the friends who have been by your side through life’s ups and downs. These are the gals who have seen you at your best and worst yet love you unconditionally. They deserve a front-row seat to celebrate this joyous new chapter!

  • Invite your closest friends from school days. The ones you stayed up late with studying, gossiping and dreaming of the future. They’ve watched you grow into the woman you are today and support you every step of the way.
  • Remember your friends from university or early work days. The ones you navigated new experiences with and built lasting bonds over late nights and lots of laughs.
  • Include friends from different parts of your life with whom you’ve stayed close. Those friends who, despite physical distance or life changes, your connection remains strong as ever.
  • Make sure to invite friends who are in a relationship or married. They’ve been where you are and can offer guidance and support. Plus, they’ll be thrilled to celebrate another friendship entering this exciting new phase!


Your engagement party is a time for surrounding yourself with positivity and love. Your real friends, who accept you as you are and lift you up, will make the perfect guests of honour. Feel free to assign them special roles in the party planning and preparation. Let them know how much their friendship and support mean as you embark on this new adventure together!

With your truest friends by your side, your engagement party is sure to be a memorable and meaningful celebration. Here’s to friendship and new beginnings! May the next chapter of your life be filled with as much joy and laughter as the memories you’ve already made together.

FAQ: Do We Have to Invite Everyone to the Engagement Party?

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Girl, you do not need to invite everyone under the sun!

An engagement party is meant to be an intimate celebration with your nearest and dearest. Don’t feel obligated to invite distant relatives, casual acquaintances or random friends from the past just to be polite. Focus on surrounding yourself with people who have supported you and your fiancé throughout your relationship.

Make a guest list and check it twice!

Sit down with your fiancé and make a list of must-have guests. Think:

  • Close friends and family
  • Wedding party members
  • Colleagues you interact with regularly

Once you have your VIP list, determine a total guest count that fits your budget and venue. You’ll have to make tough calls, but don’t stress – you can’t please everyone!

Don’t feel guilty about not inviting certain people.

It’s your party, so you get to choose who celebrates with you. Don’t let anyone pressure you into inviting people you don’t want there. If questioned, say you wanted an intimate gathering. Anyone who doesn’t understand isn’t worth worrying over.

Send invites at least 4 to 6 weeks in advance.

For your must-have guests, send physical invitations or e-vites with all the important details like location, date, time, dress code, and RSVP info. Follow up a week before to get the final numbers. Let other casual contacts know by word of mouth, social media or with a quick call that you’re engaged but keeping the party small. Most people will understand.

Focus on what matters – celebrating your engagement with people who love and support you! Take your time trying to please everyone else. This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, so do it your way. Surround yourself only with positivity and joy. Congrats, girl, you’re getting married!


So, now you’ve got the guest list figured out and invitations ready to send! With this dream team of friends and family surrounding you, your bestie’s engagement party is guaranteed to be an unforgettable night of laughter, joy and celebration. Get ready for an evening filled with heartfelt toasts, funny stories from the past and excited chatter about the wedding to come. Most of all, soak in this special moment with the people who have loved and supported you through life’s ups and downs. Though the party will eventually end, the memories you make together will last forever. This is sure to be an engagement celebration for the books! Time to pop the champagne, turn up the music and dance the night away with your must-have guests by your side.


When creating a guest list for an engagement party, it is recommended to invite the closest friends and family members who have played a significant role in the couple’s relationship. This includes friends who have been there from the beginning, parents, siblings, and grandparents. The guests should be around 50-75 for an intimate atmosphere.

Inviting distant relatives and coworkers to the engagement party is unnecessary. The focus should be on including people who truly matter to the couple rather than extending invitations out of obligation. Keep the guest list intimate and invite those who have shared in the couple’s journey and have a special bond with them.

Bridesmaids and groomsmen should be invited to the engagement party. They are an essential part of the wedding entourage and have supported the couple’s relationship significantly. Including them in the engagement celebrations allows them to be involved in this important chapter and strengthens the bond between the couple and their closest friends.

Close friends who have been there through thick and thin deserve a place of honour at the engagement party. These friends have witnessed the couple’s journey and provided unwavering support. Inviting them to the celebration ensures a meaningful and memorable event. They can also be assigned special roles in party planning and preparation.

No, inviting everyone to the engagement party is unnecessary. The party aims to have an intimate celebration with the couple’s nearest and dearest. It is important to focus on inviting those who have supported the couple throughout their relationship and significantly impacted their lives. Making tough decisions about the guest list is inevitable, but it is essential to prioritize the people who truly matter.


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