engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Just Engaged? Here Are Things Every Malaysia Couple Should Know

Congratulations, you lovebirds! The question has been popped, the ring has been slipped onto your finger, and now you’re floating on Cloud Nine. Enjoy this blissful time, but remember that an engagement also means there are some important things to start thinking about. You have a wedding to plan, after all! But before you dive into floral arrangements and cake tastings, here are 20 do’s and don’ts for every recently engaged couple in Malaysia to keep in mind.

she said yes happily

Follow this advice, and you’ll breeze through this exciting chapter of your relationship with minimal stress and drama. Most of all, remember to appreciate each moment together – after the whirlwind of wedding planning and celebrations, you’ll look back fondly on these early days of your engagement. Stay focused on what matters most: your love and commitment to each other. The rest will fall into place!

Do Announce Your Engagement on Social Media

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congratulations, you’re engaged! This is such an exciting time. Remember to announce your happy news on social media while you’re busy picking out rings and dresses. Post a sweet photo of the two of you, flash that gorgeous ring, and spread the joy. Your friends and family will be thrilled to share in your excitement.

Make a fun video together announcing the engagement for an extra special touch. Talk about how you met, share some of your favourite memories, and end with revealing the ring. Your followers will love seeing your chemistry and enthusiasm. This is a moment you’ll cherish looking back on for years!

To create a custom hashtag

Come up with a unique hashtag to use, like #MikeandJennySayIDo or #RoadtoSmithWedding. Encourage guests to use it when posting about your engagement and wedding. It’s a great way to curate all social shares in one place. Get creative and have fun with it!

Do change your relationship status

Update your status to “Engaged” on Facebook and anywhere else. Let the world know you’re off the market in the best way possible. Your single days are behind you, and you have an exciting new chapter ahead as you plan your dream wedding.

Shout your love from the rooftops and embrace this special time. Cherish each moment together, and prepare to start planning your dream wedding! The best is yet to come.

Do Discuss Your Wedding Budget and Expectations

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congrats, you two! Now it’s time to get down to business. Discussing your wedding budget and expectations will help ensure you’re on the same page and avoid arguments later on.

First things first, set a total budget you’re both comfortable with. Be honest about what you can afford – you don’t want to start your new life together in debt! Then, determine how much to allocate for the venue, catering, dress, and other must-haves. Remember hidden costs like invitations, decor, and transportation.

Next, share your wedding vision. Do you imagine an extravagant ballroom bash or an intimate beach ceremony? Discuss your must-haves, like a live band or photographer, and be willing to compromise. 50Gram’s planning tools can help you visualize different options within your budget.

Remember why you’re planning this wedding – because you love each other! Focus on what matters to you rather than trying to please everyone else. Your wedding is about celebrating your unique relationship.

Planning a wedding is stressful, but tackling the budget and expectations together will help you gain confidence in navigating challenges as a team. Compromise and patience are key. If you go in with enthusiasm, energy and a spirit of partnership, you’ll be well on your way to planning a wedding you’ll both never forget!

Do Start Planning Your Guest List

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congratulations, you just got engaged! Now it’s time to celebrate this joyous occasion. One of the first things you’ll want to do is start planning your guest list.

Invite everyone important to you!

Make sure to include friends or family members you want to share this special day with. Make a list of must-haves like close friends, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Then add on from there. The more, the merrier!

  • Ask your parents and future in-laws for suggestions on who to include from their sides of the family.
  • Remember long-distance friends and relatives. Even if they can’t attend, they’ll surely want to receive an invitation.
  • If budget is a concern, you can always invite more people to the ceremony than the reception. But for now, dream big!

Planning a wedding is exciting, but it can also be stressful. Focus on surrounding yourself with your nearest and dearest. Their love and support will help make this process fun rather than frantic. Before you know it, you’ll be walking down the aisle to your perfect soulmate!

For now, kick back and celebrate being newly engaged. Pop some champagne, call all your friends and spread the happy news! The planning can come later. Now is the time to enjoy this wonderful new chapter of your lives together.

Don’t Overshare on Social Media

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congrats, you just got engaged! This is such an exciting time. While you’ll no doubt want to shout your news from the rooftops, resist the urge to overshare on social media.

Wait to announce it on social media.

Give yourselves some time to enjoy this special moment privately before going public. Tell close friends and family in person first. Make personal phone calls or meet up to share the news. They’ll appreciate hearing it directly from you.

Once you do announce on social media, keep posts light and casual. Share a photo of you both smiling with the ring subtly showing. Write something simple like “We’re engaged! So excited for this new chapter.” Sharing proposal details or posting a dozen ring selfies is unnecessary. Keep some mystery! People can learn more by congratulating you in person.

Refrain from posting constant updates about wedding planning.

Your social media friends will quickly become bored with details about floral arrangements or cake tastings. Only share major milestones, like booking the venue or finding your dress. Keep a private planning journal or start a group chat with your bridesmaids for smaller updates.

Do share your excitement in other ways!

There are lots of ways to celebrate your engagement offline. Host an engagement party, go out for a fancy dinner, take a trip together, or spend a weekend enjoying each other’s company. This is a special time in your relationship, so make the most of it by focusing on living in the present rather than sharing every moment on social media.

Your real-life friends and family are the ones who truly care about your wedding. Share details with them in person and save social media for occasional highlight reels. Staying present and limiting oversharing will help make this engagement season even more memorable. Congrats again!

Don’t Book Venues or Vendors Right Away

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congratulations, you’re engaged! While you’re still basking in the glow of your recent proposal, hold off on booking any venues or vendors. You should keep a few things in mind before putting down deposits.

First, set a wedding budget. Figure out how much you and your families can contribute and allocate for the venue, catering, photography, and attire. Sticking to a budget will help ensure you stay in debt for your wedding.

Second, decide on a wedding style. Do you envision a lavish ballroom affair or an intimate beachside ceremony? Determining a style will help guide other decisions like selecting a location and wedding party attire. Consider locations that match your desired style before touring venues.

Third, create a guest list. The number of guests directly impacts your budget and venue options. Sit down together and make a list of must-have guests like close family and friends. Get estimates from venues on how many people they can accommodate. You can then determine if you need to make cuts to stay within budget.

Finally, think about hiring a wedding planner. Wedding planners handle all the details and logistics so you can focus on enjoying this special time. They can also help you create a realistic schedule and budget and leverage their relationships with vendors to get the best deals. At a minimum, consider a “day-of” coordinator to help set up and manage the event.

While it’s tempting to dive right in, planning the foundations of your wedding will help ensure it’s a day you treasure for years to come. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to crafting the perfect celebration of your love!

Don’t Assume Your Parents Will Pay for Everything

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congratulations, you’re engaged! This is an exciting time, but planning a wedding can also be stressful. As a newly engaged couple in Malaysia, here are some important things to keep in mind:

Refrain from assuming your parents will pay for everything. While it’s traditional for the bride’s family to cover most wedding costs in Malaysia, expect them to only pay for some things. Have an open and honest conversation about the budget and what each side can contribute. You may need to pay for parts of the reception or cover vendor fees. The key is communicating early and often!

Another thing to consider is managing guest lists. Weddings in Malaysia usually invite extended family and friends, so your guest list can quickly become very long! Make sure you and your fiancé are on the same page about who to invite before sending out invites. It’s also a good idea to get estimates from your wedding vendors on costs for different guest count options so you can make an informed choice.

One of the most fun parts of being engaged is celebrating! Have an engagement party, do an engagement photo shoot, and register for gifts. An engagement party is a chance for friends and family to congratulate you in person. Engagement photos capture your joy and excitement during this special time. And registering for gifts allows your guests to choose presents they want and need for your new home together.

Enjoy this time, and try not to get too stressed. Lean on your friends and family for help and support. Step back to appreciate your fiancé and this new chapter of your lives together. After all, this exciting whirlwind of engagement will be over before you know it, so make the most of it! The wedding planning will still be there tomorrow.

Wedding Planning FAQs: Answers to Common Questions From Malaysia Couples

engage engagement engagement tips malaysia couple

Congratulations, you’re engaged! This is an exciting time, but it can also feel overwhelming, with many questions about what comes next. Here are some of the most common FAQs from Malaysian couples and how to navigate them.

Q1: What’s the typical wedding planning timeline in Malaysia?

Usually 6-12 months, but some couples plan in as little as 3-4 months or take up to 2 years. It depends on the size and complexity of your wedding. The most important thing is not to feel rushed, so make a timeline that works for you!

Q2: How do we choose a wedding venue?

Visit venues in person. Think about the number of guests, your budget, and the overall vibe you want. Consider banquet halls, places of worship, restaurants, hotels, or outdoor locations. Book well in advance, often 6-18 months ahead.

Q3: How much does a wedding cost in Malaysia?

Wedding costs vary greatly depending on the decisions you make, but you can expect to pay between RM30,000 to RM200,000 or more for 100-500 guests. The largest expenses are usually the venue, catering, and photography. Come up with a realistic budget before booking anything.

Q4: Do we need a wedding planner?

Not required, but wedding planners can be very helpful, especially if you have a large guest list or destination wedding. Planners help ensure everything runs smoothly, handle logistics and vendor coordination, and reduce stress. If hiring a planner, look for those experienced with Malaysian weddings.


Congratulations, you’re now engaged! The ring is on the finger, and the celebrations are underway. While enjoying this blissful time, remember you need to handle a few important things. Make communicating with your fiancé a top priority, and start planning your dream wedding. Discuss finances, living arrangements, kids, and other serious topics to ensure you’re on the same page about what matters.

Most of all, take time to appreciate each other fully. This is one of the happiest periods of your life, so live in the present and soak in all the joy surrounding you. Stay optimistic, support each other unconditionally, and spread that positive energy to everyone. You’ve found your perfect match, so keep putting in the effort to maintain that strong connection as you build your new lives together. The engagement period will fly by, so make the most of it. Congratulations again, you lucky lovebirds! The adventure of a lifetime awaits you both.


Absolutely! Sharing your engagement on social media is a wonderful way to celebrate with friends and family. Post a cute photo of you and your ring, and consider making a fun video that tells your love story and reveals the ring.

  1. Discuss your wedding budget openly and set a realistic total budget.
  2. Allocate funds for venue, catering, dress, and decor.
  3. Share your wedding vision, compromising where needed.
  4. Remember that your wedding is about your unique relationship, so focus on what truly matters.
  1. Begin by listing must-have guests such as close friends and family.
  2. Seek input from parents and in-laws for their suggestions.
  3. Remember to include long-distance friends and relatives.
  4. For now, focus on building a list of everyone you’d like to invite and celebrate with.

While excitement’s natural, avoid oversharing on social media. Announce your engagement after telling close friends and family in person. Keep posts casual and light, and avoid sharing every detail about wedding planning. Share major milestones and save the more intimate details for private conversations.

Hold off on booking venues and vendors immediately after getting engaged. First, set a budget and decide on a wedding style. Then, create a guest list to understand the scale of your event. Consider hiring a wedding planner for assistance. Once these factors are clear, start booking venues and vendors accordingly.


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