5 Must-Dos Before Your Dream Malaysian Honeymoon

Congratulations newlyweds! The wedding is done, the guests have left, the gifts are unwrapped – now it’s time for the fun part, your dream honeymoon in Malaysia. Before you jet off into the sunset hand in hand, there are a few must-dos to check off your list. You’ve been planning this special trip for ages and want it to be absolutely perfect. Follow these tips to ensure your Malaysian honeymoon is everything you’ve imagined and more. Get ready for adventure, relaxation, culture, food, and romance – this will be a trip you remember for the rest of your lives together. The countdown is on, so start preparing now to make the most of your tropical paradise honeymoon!

Create a Honeymoon Budget

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As excited as you are, determine how much you can afford to spend on this once-in-a-lifetime trip. Sit down together and look at your combined finances to come up with a number that won’t break the bank. Maybe you received some money as wedding gifts that you can put towards your getaway. Whatever the amount, stick to it!

With your budget in place, the fun part begins – deciding where to go! Malaysia offers an exotic combination of beaches, jungles and cities that will make for an unforgettable honeymoon. Picture yourself island hopping in Langkawi, exploring the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur or spotting wildlife in Borneo. The options for adventure are endless!

Once you choose a destination, book your flights and accommodations in advance to get the best deals. Don’t forget to account for food, transportation and activities in your budget. Apply for any necessary visas or permits you may need as well.

Most importantly, relax and enjoy this special time together. This is your honeymoon – your first big trip as a married couple. Leave your worries behind and immerse yourself in all the wonders of Malaysia with your new spouse by your side. Make memories that will last a lifetime! With some planning and budgeting, you’ll be on your way to honeymoon bliss in no time. Congratulations again and happy travels!

Book Your Flights and Accommodation

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Now that the wedding planning is done, it’s time for the fun part – your dream honeymoon in Malaysia! To make sure everything goes smoothly, here are a few must-dos before jetting off:

Book your flights and hotel ASAP! With 50Gram Wedding, you’ll find amazing deals on flights and luxury beachfront resorts. The earlier you book, the more you’ll save. Plus, once your accommodation is set, you’ll have one less thing to worry about!

Don’t forget travel insurance. Unfortunately, unforeseen events can happen, so insurance will give you peace of mind in case of any medical emergencies or trip interruptions. Compare plans and choose one that covers medical, baggage, and cancellation.

Apply for a visa. Most nationalities including US and Canada citizens can enter Malaysia visa-free for up to 90 days. But double check on the official immigration website to avoid any issues.

Pack strategically. Malaysia’s weather is hot and humid all year round, so pack light, breathable clothing, swimsuits, sandals, sunscreen, bug spray, and any medications. And don’t forget your chargers, camera, and any documents!

Get any immunizations. Some vaccinations like Hepatitis A and B, and Typhoid are recommended for Malaysia. See your doctor at least 4 to 6 weeks before your trip to get properly immunized.

With these essentials checked off, you’ll be sipping pina coladas on the beach in no time! Enjoy all the pre-wedding pampering – you deserve it! Malaysia awaits!

Get Necessary Vaccinations

honeymoon honeymoon checklist Honeymoon Planning honeymoon tips honeymoon malaysia

Before jetting off to Malaysia, one of the most important things you’ll need to do is get properly vaccinated. As a tropical country, Malaysia does carry risks of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika that you’ll want to protect yourself against. Don’t worry, with some simple vaccinations and preventative measures, you’ll be ready to fully enjoy your honeymoon worry-free!

Schedule an appointment with your doctor at least 4 to 6 weeks before your trip to get recommendations on which vaccinations you’ll need based on the areas you’ll be visiting. Some of the must-haves for Malaysia include:

  • Hepatitis A and B: Transmitted through contaminated food and water, so essential for any tropical destination.
  • Typhoid: Also spread through contaminated food and water. Typhoid fever is not fun on your honeymoon!
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis: Basic boosters to prevent these serious diseases.
  • Measles-mumps-rubella: Make sure you and your new spouse are up to date on your MMR shots.
  • Influenza: Get a flu shot before flying to avoid getting sick on the long flight over.


You should also ask about antimalarial drugs if you’ll be in rural or jungle areas. Bug spray with DEET, long sleeves and pants, and mosquito nets can also help prevent mosquito-borne diseases.

With some advance planning, you’ll be fully ready to experience all the natural beauty Malaysia has to offer. After the wedding planning stress, getting your vaccinations checked off the list will give you peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters—enjoying a memorable honeymoon with your sweetheart! The exotic jungles, beaches and bustling cities of Malaysia await you, so get excited and get packing! Your dream honeymoon is just around the corner.

Buy Travel Insurance

honeymoon honeymoon checklist Honeymoon Planning honeymoon tips honeymoon malaysiaYou’ve planned for months, spent a small fortune, and now your dream Malaysian honeymoon is finally here! Before you head to the airport, make sure you’ve purchased comprehensive travel insurance. Accidents and unforeseen events can happen anywhere, and travel insurance gives you peace of mind in case your perfect trip goes awry.

  • Medical coverage in case of injury or illness. The last thing you want is exorbitant medical bills from an accident or tropical disease ruining your honeymoon bliss.
  • Trip cancelation in case you have to cut the trip short. Travel insurance will reimburse you for any prepaid, nonrefundable expenses.
  • Lost baggage insurance. If the airline loses your luggage (and your wedding outfits!), travel insurance helps replace essential items.
  • Emergency evacuation coverage. In a worst-case scenario, emergency airlift can cost up to $100,000. Travel insurance has you covered in case of a natural disaster, political unrest or other emergency.


Travel insurance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your dream honeymoon goes off without a hitch. For the cost of a nice dinner out, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing you can enjoy your trip with the one you love without worrying about potential financial disaster. 

Double check that any activities like jungle trekking, island hopping or scuba diving are also covered under the policy. Once you’ve compared plans and purchased the right policy for your needs, you can head off on your Malaysian adventure knowing the only surprises will be the good kind! A lifetime of cherished memories awaits you in this tropical paradise. Congratulations and safe travels!

Pack Your Bags!

honeymoon honeymoon checklist Honeymoon Planning honeymoon tips honeymoon malaysia

Packing for your dream honeymoon in Malaysia is so exciting! This is the fun part where you get to daydream about all the adventures you’ll have with your new spouse. To make sure you have an amazing trip and create memories that will last a lifetime, here are some must-dos before zipping up your suitcase.

To-Do #1: Make a packing list

Sit down together and brainstorm everything you might need for all the activities you want to do. Will you be hitting the beach? Hiking in the rainforest? Dining at fancy restaurants? List it all! Don’t forget essentials like medications, chargers, hiking boots, dresses, swimsuits, bug spray, sunscreen, etc. The last thing you want is to realize you forgot something important.

[Honeymoon Checklist] 

To-Do #2: Choose a color palette

Pick 2-3 main colors that you both love and build your outfits around those shades. Take photos of your options and review them together. This will make getting dressed each day a breeze and ensure you have cute matching moments for photos!

Fashion Color Trend 2023 

To-Do #3: Invest in the right luggage

If you’re moving between cities or islands, durable luggage that’s easy to transport is key. Look for a lightweight but sturdy option with spinner wheels and built-in locks. A carry-on for each of you should be sufficient for a typical 1-2 week honeymoon.

10 Best Travel Luggage Bags in Malaysia product nation 

To-Do #4: Leave room for souvenirs

Don’t overpack! Leave some space in your luggage for all the trinkets and treats you’ll want to bring home. Or pack an extra foldable duffel bag just for this purpose.

How To Buy The Best Souvenirs You Won’t Regret 

To-Do #5: Double check documents

Make copies of your passports, tickets, hotel reservations and any other important paperwork. Leave one set at home and bring the other with you in case anything gets lost or stolen. This way you have peace of mind that your honeymoon plans won’t be derailed!

Have an amazing time exploring Malaysia with your sweetheart! By following these tips, you’ll start your married life with a perfectly packed, stress-free adventure. Congratulations and safe travels!

What to Pack for Your Honeymoon: The Complete Couple’s Checklist


You’ve done it – you’ve tied the knot and are ready to embark on your dream honeymoon adventure in Malaysia! With the wedding festivities behind you, now is the time to shift your focus to preparing for two weeks of bliss exploring the beaches, jungles and cities of this exotic paradise. Make sure your passports are up to date, book those flights, pack your bags, and get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime. The countdown is on for your romantic getaway in Malaysia. Bon voyage and selamat datang! The adventures await you. 

At 50Gram Wedding, they specialize in creating unforgettable and romantic honeymoon experiences for couples. With their expertise and personalized approach, they help you plan the perfect getaway to celebrate your new chapter as newlyweds. From tropical paradises to scenic mountain retreats, they curate dreamy honeymoons tailored to your preferences and budget. Trust in 50Gram Wedding to provide exceptional service and personalized recommendations for accommodations, activities, and special touches that make your honeymoon truly unforgettable. Let them turn your honeymoon dreams into a reality as you embark on a romantic journey to create lasting memories together.


To plan your budget for a honeymoon in Malaysia, determine how much you can afford to spend on the trip. Consider any wedding gifts or savings you can allocate towards your honeymoon. Set a budget that aligns with your combined finances and stick to it. Account for expenses such as flights, accommodations, food, transportation, activities, and visas or permits. Booking in advance can help you secure better deals. Remember to leave room for unexpected expenses and enjoy your special trip within your planned budget.

When booking flights and accommodations for your Malaysian honeymoon, follow these essential steps:


Step 1: Choose your desired destination in Malaysia, considering factors like beaches, jungles, and cities.

Step 2: Research and compare flight options to find the best deals. Booking in advance often helps in getting better prices.

Step 3: Look for reputable travel websites or agencies that offer package deals or discounts on flights and accommodations.

Step 4: Check customer reviews and ratings for hotels and resorts in your chosen destination.

Step 5: Book your flights and accommodations as early as possible to secure availability and favorable rates.

Step 6: Consider any additional expenses such as transportation to and from the airport, food, and activities, when budgeting for your trip.

Step 7: Ensure you have any necessary visas or permits for your stay in Malaysia.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth booking process and have peace of mind for your honeymoon.

 Before travelling to Malaysia for your honeymoon, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and get the following recommended vaccinations:

  • Hepatitis A and B: Protection against food and waterborne diseases.
  • Typhoid: Guards against typhoid fever transmitted through contaminated food and water.
  • Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis: Ensures protection against serious diseases.
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR): Verify that you and your spouse are current on MMR vaccinations.
  • Influenza: Consider getting a flu shot before your flight to minimize the risk of falling ill.
  • Malaria prevention: Depending on the areas you plan to visit, your doctor might recommend antimalarial drugs.
  • Additional mosquito-borne diseases: Malaysia has risks of diseases like dengue fever and Zika. Consult your doctor for preventative measures such as bug spray with DEET, long sleeves, pants, and mosquito nets.


It’s essential to schedule an appointment with your doctor 4 to 6 weeks before your trip to ensure you have ample time for vaccinations and any necessary follow-up doses.

  • Medical coverage: It protects you in case of injury or illness during your trip, ensuring you won’t face excessive medical bills.
  • Trip cancellation coverage: If you need to cut your trip short due to unforeseen circumstances, travel insurance can reimburse you for prepaid, nonrefundable expenses.
  • Lost baggage insurance: If the airline loses or delays your luggage, travel insurance helps cover the cost of replacing essential items.
  • Emergency evacuation coverage: In the event of a natural disaster, political unrest, or other emergencies, travel insurance covers emergency evacuation costs that can be substantial.
  • Peace of mind: With comprehensive travel insurance, you can enjoy your honeymoon without worrying about potential financial setbacks or disruptions to your plans.


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