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Tips for an Unforgettable Wedding Speech in Malaysia

You’ve been chosen as the maid of honour for your best friend’s wedding – congratulations! While being given such an honour is exciting, speaking to hundreds of guests at the reception might make you nervous. Don’t worry. With some preparation, you’ll deliver an unforgettable wedding speech with the bride in tears and the guests laughing and applauding. At a Malaysian wedding, you’ll want to infuse cultural elements that resonate with the guests and pay tribute to the happy Couple in a heartfelt, memorable way.

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Follow these 10 tips to craft and deliver a wedding speech in Malaysia that will make you and the newlyweds proud. With humour, personal stories, and well wishes, you’ve got this! Now go get writing and shine on the big day.

Wedding Speeches: Who Traditionally Gives One?

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Giving a wedding speech in Malaysia is one of the greatest honours, and if you’ve been asked, congratulations! As the best friend, you have a chance to share memories, well wishes and advice to help the newlyweds start their new chapter.

To kick things off:

  1. Focus on the bride.
  2. Share a funny story or inside joke, then talk about what an amazing friend she’s been.
  3. Discuss everything you’ve been through together and how you know she’s found her perfect match.


Most of all, express how excited you are to welcome the groom into your friendship circle.

Next, say a few words to the groom. Mention some of your favourite moments getting to know him and how happy you are that he’s marrying your best friend. Offer some lighthearted advice for keeping the bride happy, like planning date nights or giving lots of compliments. Most importantly, ask him to continue being the caring, loving partner you know he is.

Finally, propose a toast to the happy Couple! Raise your glass and encourage all the guests to congratulate the newlyweds. Share your hopes and dreams for their future together. End by leading everyone in applause and asking them to join you in wishing the bride and groom a lifetime of happiness.

With heartfelt stories, playful banter and warm well wishes, you’re sure to give a wedding speech your best friend will never forget. Follow these tips, speak from the heart, and get ready to make her smile, laugh and maybe even cry tears of joy! Here’s to the new Mr. and Mrs.!

How to Write a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech

wedding speech wedding malaysia wedding malaysia couple wedding toast

As the maid of honour, you have one of the most important jobs at the wedding – giving an unforgettable speech! This is your chance to share some laughs, love and advice with the happy Couple in front of all their friends and family. No pressure, right? Don’t worry; with these tips, you’ll give a speech they’ll always remember.

First, start writing your speech at least a month before the wedding. This gives you plenty of time to brainstorm stories and inside jokes you want to include. Run through a few drafts and practice in front of others to build your confidence.

Focus on the friendship between you and the bride. Share some fun memories from over the years and what you admire most about her. Keep things lighthearted and avoid inside jokes that guests won’t understand. Most of all, speak from the heart – let your joy and affection for the new Couple shine through!

Include well wishes and wise advice for the groom as he embarks on this new chapter. Welcome him to the family and share your support for the marriage. Thank him for loving and cherishing your best friend.

End by proposing a toast to the happy Couple. Raise your glass and ask everyone to join you in congratulating the newlyweds. Wish them a lifetime of happiness together!

With the right blend of humour, heartfelt moments and well wishes, your maid of honour speech will set the perfect tone to celebrate the start of their new adventure together as husband and wife. Best of luck, and don’t forget to have fun with it! The joy you exude will make the moment even more memorable for the bride and groom.

Creating a Meaningful Wedding Bridesmaid Speech Your Best Friend Will Love

Best Man Speech Ideas: How to Give a Perfect Toast

wedding speech wedding malaysia wedding malaysia couple wedding toast

Speak from the heart

As the best man, you know the groom best, so speak honestly about your friendship and the good times you’ve shared. Share a funny story or inside joke that shows the groom’s personality and your bond. Speak confidently and make eye contact with guests to help capture their attention.

Keep things light and positive

While weddings are emotional, a good best-man speech should be more lighthearted and fun. Focus on the joy of the occasion rather than sentimentality. Crack a few jokes and share amusing anecdotes about the groom. Keep things upbeat and avoid anything too sappy. Make people laugh and smile, not cry!

Raise a toast

End your speech on a high note by proposing a toast to the happy Couple. Say something like: “Please join me in raising your glasses to the bride and groom. [Couple’s names], you are two of the most amazing people I know, and I wish you all the love and happiness in the world. Cheers!” This is a perfect way to wrap up your speech and involve all the guests.

Practice makes perfect

Practice your speech ahead of time and memorize the key points to sound more natural. Hearing yourself speak the words aloud will make you more comfortable and help avoid “um’s” and awkward pauses. Ask a friend or family member to listen to your speech and provide feedback. Their input can help put you at ease and improve your delivery.

Thank the guests

Be sure to thank the guests for attending to honour the newlyweds. For example, say, “On behalf of the groom, I want to thank each of you for being here to celebrate this joyous occasion.” Expressing gratitude for the guests’ support and attendance is an important part of any wedding speech.

Giving a heartfelt, memorable best man speech is a great way to honour your friend on his wedding day. Speak from the heart, keep things light and upbeat, propose a meaningful toast, practice ahead of time, and thank the guests for coming. Follow these tips, and you’ll give a perfect toast the groom will always remember!

The Essential Guide to Wedding Reception Speeches for Your Best Man Duties

Things to Say in Your Wedding Speech: Inspiration and Examples

wedding speech wedding malaysia wedding malaysia couple wedding toast

Share a Funny Story

As the maid of honour or best friend, you’ve probably got some hilarious stories from your adventures together. Pick one that shows your friend’s fun and quirky personality. Keep things lighthearted and avoid inside jokes that guests won’t understand. For example, “Remember that trip we took to Langkawi last year? When the monkeys stole our mangoes, you chased them down the beach!” The bride will surely appreciate you bringing up cherished memories you’ve shared.

Talk About Her Best Qualities

Your speech is a chance to brag about what an amazing friend the bride is. Share some of her best qualities and what you admire most about her. For example, “Eve has always been the kindest, most generous person I know. She’s the friend I can call anytime, and she’ll drop everything to be there for me.” These heartfelt compliments will mean the world to the bride on her wedding day.

Share Marriage Advice (If Asked)

If the bride has asked you to share advice for the new Couple, keep things light and optimistic. For example, “Eve and Ahmad, learn to compromise, continue laughing together, appreciate each another, communicate openly and honestly, and remember why you fell in love.” Throw in a bit of humour, “And Ahmad, just remember one thing—she’s always right!” The crowd will chuckle, and your advice will be appreciated by the newlyweds.

Raise Your Glass for a Toast

End your speech on a high note by proposing a toast to the happy Couple. For example, “Eve and Ahmad, you are two of the most incredible people I know, and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together. Please join me in raising your glasses—to the bride and groom!” As everyone cheers and takes a sip of their drinks, your speech will end as an unforgettable one. Congratulations! You nailed it!

How to Give the Perfect Wedding Toast That’s Memorable for All the Right Reasons

FAQs About Giving a Wedding Speech in Malaysia

wedding speech wedding malaysia wedding malaysia couple wedding toast

Will I have to give a speech?

As your best friend, there’s a good chance you’ll be asked to give a speech at the wedding! Don’t panic; it’s not as scary as it sounds. Giving a heartfelt speech is a perfect way to show your support and share memories of the happy Couple. If asked, say yes—your best friend will appreciate your willingness to participate in their special day.

How do I prepare?

Start by deciding on a theme or focus for your speech. Share a meaningful story, offer marriage advice, or express your good wishes for the future. Keep your speech around 2 to 3 minutes, around 250 to 350 words. Practice your speech ahead of time and memorize the opening and closing lines. Making eye contact with guests and speaking slowly and clearly will make you appear more confident.

What should I include?
  • Share a funny or heartwarming story about your friendship
  • Offer the Couple your best wishes and support for a happy marriage
  • Give the guests an insight into the Couple’s relationship and personalities
  • Raise a toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. and invite the guests to join in!
How should I end my speech?

Finish strong with a line about your hope and excitement for the Couple’s future together. For example:

“I know that the love and laughter you have shared over the years will continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to the happy Couple. To a lifetime of beautiful memories and happiness together!”

Do I have to be funny?

While humour is appreciated, a heartfelt and sentimental speech can be just as meaningful. Share stories and qualities you genuinely admire about the Couple. A few jokes or witty lines are optional, so avoid forcing it if you don’t feel comfortable. Speak from the heart!

With love, encouragement, and the support of friends and family, your wedding speech is sure to be a hit. Focus on the Couple, speak honestly, and let your friendship shine through. You’ve got this! Now go rock that speech.


You’ve got this! Now that you’re armed with tips for crafting an amazing wedding speech, it’s time to put pen to paper and pour your heart out. Share memories, inside jokes, and well-wishes for the happy Couple. Make people laugh, cry, and remember why your friendship is so special. This is your moment to shine and show how much you care. Think of this speech as a gift, your way of honouring your best friend on her wedding day in front of all the people who matter most. Believe in yourself, speak from the heart, and enjoy this opportunity to celebrate a friendship that will last long after the festivities end. You’ve got the skills and the love—now go out there and deliver a speech for the ages! The bride and groom will surely appreciate your heartfelt words for years to come. What are you waiting for? Get writing and make some wedding magic!

Preparing for your wedding speech? Trust 50Gram Wedding to provide you with the best tips and guidance to deliver a memorable speech during your wedding reception. From structure and content to delivery techniques, we’ll ensure you captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Contact us now for expert advice on crafting an unforgettable wedding speech.


As the best friend or maid of honour, you’ll be asked to give a speech at the wedding. It is an honour and an opportunity to show your support and share memories of the happy Couple. Embrace the moment and say yes to delivering a heartfelt speech that will make the newlyweds proud.

Start by deciding on a theme or focus for your speech. You can share a meaningful story, offer marriage advice, or express your good wishes for the future. Keep your speech around 2 to 3 minutes, translating to 250 to 350 words. Practice your speech ahead of time, memorize the opening and closing lines, and speak slowly and clearly to appear confident.

Your speech should include a funny or heartwarming story about your friendship with the bride or groom. Offer your best wishes and support for a happy marriage. Give the guests an insight into the Couple’s relationship and their personalities. Finally, raise a toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. and invite the guests to join the celebration.

Finish your speech with a strong, positive line about your hope and excitement for the Couple’s future together. For example, you can say, “I know that the love and laughter you have shared over the years will grow stronger with each passing day. Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to the happy Couple. To a lifetime of beautiful memories and happiness together!”

While humour is appreciated, it is not mandatory for a successful wedding speech. A heartfelt and sentimental speech can be just as meaningful. Share stories and qualities you genuinely admire about the Couple. If you’re comfortable with it, you can include a few jokes or witty lines but only force it if it comes naturally to you. The most important thing is to speak from the heart and express your genuine love and support for the newlyweds.


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