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The Essential Guide to Wedding Reception Speeches for Your Best Man Duties

Writing a wedding reception speech as a Best Man is one of the most exciting duties to perform as part of your best friend’s special day. It’s an honour and privilege that you are entrusted with this responsibility, and it gives you a chance to show just how much your best friend means to you.

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But writing a speech for such an important occasion can be daunting! We’ve compiled this guideline from 50Gram Wedding, Malaysia’s premier online wedding planner platform. With our help, you can create the perfect wedding reception speech for your best man’s duties.

We will guide you through everything from the structure and length of your speech to making it personal and funny. We know that nerves can be very real when it comes to public speaking – so take a deep breath, relax and follow our step-by-step guide!

Preparing for Your Best Man Wedding Speech

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Are you the best man in charge of delivering the best man speech? If so, you’ll want to give your best friend’s wedding guests a speech they will remember for years. You must create one that fits the occasion with content that impresses and moves those in attendance.

Your preparation should start by ensuring that your speech has the right amount of humour and sentimentality. When crafting it, consider including concise stories demonstrating the friendship between the couple and you as the best man. Furthermore, provide background on how they met and short anecdotes to lighten the mood.

To get more creative ideas for your speech, think back on all of your memories with them—from funny moments to special occasions—and use these to tie everything into your speech in a way everyone can relate to. You can give a perfect best-man speech if you keep it simple and heartfelt! Make it memorable by expressing yourself clearly and confidently so that everyone can understand what point you’re trying to make.

How to Start Your Wedding Speech for the Groom

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Starting your best man speech can be intimidating. But don’t worry! There are tried and tested tips that you can use to make sure it’s a complete success.

First and foremost, you want to get the audience’s attention immediately. A funny story or anecdote that shows the groom in a positive light is usually a great opener – start with something the happy couple have already shared so everyone is already familiar with it. Make sure it’s appropriate, though! Once you have everyone’s attention, start thanking them for attending your friend’s wedding and offer a few kind words about the couple themselves.

Take this time to also thank anyone involved in making this special day possible, such as family members or friends who have contributed to the celebration. Finish with a toast after you’ve finished saying all of your heartfelt wishes – something like “To [groom] and [bride], long life and happiness!” will get everyone on their feet!

This is your chance to make an impactful mark on your friend’s special day – use these tips as guidelines for a successful best-man speech that will be remembered for years to come!

Share Some Humorous Wedding Stories About the Groom

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As the best man, you want to give a speech full of laughter but still want it to be heartfelt and meaningful. One surefire way to do this is by sharing funny stories about the groom! Everyone loves a good story, and it’s a nice way to show your bond with him. Plus, it gives everyone a chance to have a giggle or two.

Here are some tips for finding funny wedding stories about the groom:

Ask Around

The best way to learn about his past is to talk to his friends and family. Whether it’s hilarious accounts of teenage mischief or silly anecdotes from college, these people will know him best.

Look At Photos Together

Look at wedding photos and pick out those showing the groom in an awkward or amusing position – chances are, there will be something guaranteed to spark some laughter! You can also look through his social media posts or go back through your conversations with him – surely, something amusing must stand out.

Don’t Forget Your Own Experiences With Him

If you’ve been friends with the groom for years, you should have plenty of humorous stories about your time together – whether it’s stories of getaways gone wrong or epic pranks on each other! Your shared experiences as best buds will make for amazing wedding reception stories.

Talk About the Bride and Your Friendship With the Groomwedding groomsmen wedding speech wedding toast wedding malaysia wedding reception wedding ceremony wedding couple

When it comes to your best man duties, one of the highlights is giving a wedding reception speech—and it’s important to talk about the bride too! By taking a few minutes to acknowledge her, you can show her your support and appreciation for her. After all, she is part of the couple you’ve come to celebrate!

Here are some ideas on how to make your speech special:

  • Talk about how your friend met his bride and why it was special.
  • Describe the qualities and attributes that make them a perfect fit for each other.
  • Share a funny anecdote or story that involves both the groom and bride.
  • Explain why they are so complementary in their marriage.
  • Mention a time when they have touched or inspired you in some way.


Speaking highly of your friend and his bride, you can help bring a personal touch to the wedding speech—something thoughtful that will not be forgotten anytime soon!

Lead a Toast to the Newlyweds at the Wedding Reception

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As the best man, you’re expected to lead a toast for the newlyweds during the wedding reception. To make sure you understand your words and make it an unforgettable moment, there are some key points you need to consider.


First of all, preparation is key. Make sure you clearly know what you want to say and practice beforehand. Then on the day itself, have your speech in hand so you can refer to it if necessary.


Tell a story that emphasizes the love between the bride and groom – something light-hearted and funny would work really well here! Remember to mention the guests who have travelled near and far to celebrate this special occasion – everyone loves appreciation!


Remember to thank everyone involved for helping make this day happen – from bridal party members, family members, close friends, vendors and staff who worked tirelessly behind the scenes; everyone deserves recognition! Plus, this is also a great way for you to show how much your friendship means to both of them.

Finally, remember to raise your glass in celebration and end with a positive and memorable quote that will truly capture the essence of their love story. With 50Gram Wedding’s essential guide on how to write your best man speech, you’ll surely be prepared enough to craft an amazing toast that will melt even hearts of stone!

13 Essential Rules for Giving a Memorable Wedding Toast

Ending Your Best Man Wedding Speech on a High Note

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Ending your best man’s wedding speech on a high note can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Keep it Short and Sweet

Long speeches can drag on and make your audience lose interest. So it’s important to keep your speech as concise as possible while still conveying the heartfelt message you want to share with your audience.

Use Humor Wisely

Humour is essential to any good speech, but you want it to stay within your sentimentality. Think of the perfect amount of humour that’ll make the audience laugh without making them think the wedding is nothing more than a joke.

Pay Tribute to the Couple

No matter how funny or off-the-cuff your jokes are, make sure you’re paying tribute to the couple – this should always take priority in a best man wedding speech.

Sign Off with a Toast

Once you’ve shared all your heartfelt messages, wrap up by raising a toast to the newlyweds! This will make everyone raise their glasses and celebrate this beautiful moment with you!


So, there you have it! Every best man has the opportunity to make his friend’s wedding ceremony enjoyable, and a good speech is one of the most special ways to do this. Writing the perfect best-man speech requires effort and planning, but it pays off when you deliver it eloquently and full of heart.

At 50Gram Wedding, we understand the importance of making that moment count. From finding the right words to speaking them with conviction, we hope this guide helps you deliver a wedding speech like no other. Keep it simple and sincere; you can be sure the groom’s big day will always be remembered.


  • Start by ensuring your speech has the right balance of humour and sentimentality.
  • Include concise stories demonstrating the friendship between the couple and yourself as the best man.
  • Get creative by reflecting on memorable moments and experiences with the couple.
  • Keep the speech simple and heartfelt, expressing yourself clearly and confidently.
  • Grab the audience’s attention with a funny story or anecdote that portrays the groom positively.
  • Thank the guests for attending and offer kind words about the couple.
  • Take a moment to express gratitude to those making the special day possible.
  • Conclude with a toast, such as “To [groom] and [bride], long life and happiness!”
  • Ask the groom’s friends and family for funny stories from his past.
  • Look through photos or social media posts for amusing moments.
  • Draw from your own experiences and shared adventures with the groom.
  • Yes, it’s important to acknowledge the bride and include her in your speech.
  • Discuss how the couple met and what makes them a perfect match.
  • Share a funny anecdote or story involving both the groom and the bride.
  • Highlight the complementary qualities they bring to their marriage.
  • Prepare your speech in advance and practice it.
  • Tell a story that emphasizes the love between the bride and groom.
  • Express gratitude to everyone involved in making the day happen.
  • Raise your glass and end with a positive and memorable quote capturing their love story.


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