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The Wedding Couple’s Guide to Choosing the Right Planners and Helper

Now it’s time to start planning your dream wedding. But where do you even begin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The key is surrounding yourself with the right team of helpers. As a bride, you’ll want your close friends and family involved, but you’ll also need professionals to guide you.

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Choosing your wedding planner and vendors is one of your most important decisions. These people will help bring your vision to life and ensure everything runs smoothly on your big day. But with so many options, how do you decide who to work with for each part of the planning? We’re breaking it down and giving recommendations for the best people to have by your side at each journey stage. Take a deep breath and get ready to start checking tasks off your list – you’ve got this, and we’ll be with you every step! From venue scouting to cake tasting to final walkthroughs, here’s who you’ll want to invite to help make the most of each wedding planning event.

Choose a Main Wedding Planner You Trust

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Choosing the right wedding planner is one of your most important decisions! A planner who understands your vision and personality is key to crafting your dream wedding.

Look for planners with experience organizing weddings in your style and budget. Check their reviews and portfolios to find someone you connect with. Meet with a few top choices to get a feel for their enthusiasm and expertise. Some questions to ask:

  • Do you have experience with multicultural weddings? We want to honour both Chinese and Malay traditions.
  • How would you describe your planning style? We’re hoping for someone energetic and detail-oriented!
  • What’s your process for creating a schedule and sticking to a budget? We need help keeping everything on track.

Once you’ve found ‘the one’, start planning! A good planner will handle logistics and troubleshoot issues, allowing you to relax and enjoy this special time. Meet often to make key decisions together, from décor and catering to entertainment and transportation.

Remember that planning a wedding is a team effort. In addition to your planner, involve close friends and family who can offer extra support. Assign tasks like addressing invitations, arranging flowers or setting up the venue to those who offer to help. Let your planner guide them to ensure all the details come together seamlessly.

With the perfect planner and team behind you, your wedding will be a joyful celebration to remember! Stay enthusiastic and appreciate all the love and effort going into this important day. Most of all, remember that at the end of it all, the only thing that matters is that you’re marrying the person of your dreams.

Assign Specific Tasks to Friends and Family

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Planning a wedding is exciting but can also feel overwhelming! Don’t worry, you don’t have to go through this alone. Rally your closest friends and family and assign them specific tasks so you can focus on enjoying this special time.

Ask your maid of honour and bridesmaids to help pick out bridesmaid dresses and schedule hair and makeup trials. They’ll be thrilled to offer their opinions and help make decisions. Have your mom or future mother-in-law handle booking hotel rooms for out-of-town guests. Your aunts would probably love to plan a fun bridal shower to celebrate with all the women in your life.

Remember the guys! Have your fiancé’s groomsmen help choose tuxedos or suits and schedule a fun bachelor party. Ask your dad and future father-in-law to book transportation to and from the venue. Your uncles and brothers would surely be willing to help set up and decorate the reception space.

When it comes to the big day, assign friends to charge the guest book, gift table, playlist and capture all the special moments on camera. Let your wedding party handle last-minute tasks like pinning on corsages or fixing wardrobe malfunctions. Most importantly, take a deep breath and soak in all the joy – you’ve got this! With the support and help of your favourite people by your side, your wedding will be a fun, memorable, and stress-free celebration. Congratulations!

Bring Your Bridal Party to Dress Fittings and Trials

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Your bridal party supports you through all the wedding planning events, including the fun parts like dress shopping! Invite your maid of honour and bridesmaids to join you for dress fittings and makeup trials. Their enthusiasm and energy will make the experience even more memorable.

When trying on wedding gowns, your bridal party can offer a fresh set of eyes and help you find “the one”. They know your style and what flatters you best. Don’t hesitate to ask them for honest but thoughtful opinions on each dress you try on. Two heads are better than one, so imagine how helpful six or eight heads can be!

For makeup and hair trials, your bridal party’s input is invaluable. They can evaluate how well the stylist’s work photographs and meshes with your wedding vision. And they may spot little details you miss, like suggesting a different shade of lipstick or style of updo that complements your features even better.

Most importantly, sharing these pre-wedding events with your closest friends and family will make the time fly by and fill you with joy. Their positivity and cheerleading will ease your nerves and remind you why you chose them to stand by your side at the altar. And one day, you’ll be returning the favour for them!

  • Ask your bridesmaids for feedback on your dress options. Value their honest but thoughtful opinions.
  • Invite your maid of honour and bridesmaids to your hair and makeup trials. They can evaluate how the stylist’s work looks in photos and fits your wedding style.
  • Sharing these experiences with your bridal party will make the time pass quickly and make you happy. Their enthusiasm will calm your nerves and remind you why they’re standing with you on your big day!


Your bridal party is there to offer support, advice and cheer you on. Let them fully share in the fun parts of planning your wedding—you’ll be so glad you did!

Include Parents and in-Laws in Major Decisions

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Your parents and in-laws have been there for you through life’s ups and downs, so make sure to include them in your wedding planning! Sit with both parents early on to get their input and make them feel valued in the process. Ask for their advice and opinions on major decisions like:

  • The guest list: Get their feedback on who should make the cut from extended family and long-time friends. They’ll appreciate you honouring their traditions and relationships.
  • The budget: Discuss how much they want to contribute and how the funds should be allocated. Come prepared with estimates for key items so you’re all on the same page.
  • The venue: Tour some locations together and weigh the pros and cons. Look for a place that will be meaningful for your families and accommodate all your guests.
  • The theme: Brainstorm some ideas incorporating details reflecting your cultural backgrounds and personal styles. A fusion of themes is a great way to honour both sides.
  • The menu: Choose dishes and cuisines that are sentimental for your family. Maybe mom’s famous lasagna or dad’s barbecued ribs make an appearance!

Including your parents in these big conversations will help them feel valued, ease tensions, and ensure everyone’s priorities are addressed. While it may require some compromise, approaching wedding planning as a team will make the experience so much more joyful and memorable for all. Your parents will appreciate you making them active participants in such an important milestone, and you’ll be glad to have their loving support and guidance along the way.

So rally the troops – parents, in-laws, siblings and all! With open communication and a shared vision, you’ll plan a wedding that exceeds your wildest dreams.

Create a Wedding Party WhatsApp Group to Keep Everyone in the Loop

wedding couple wedding wedding planner wedding planning wedding tips wedding malaysia

A wedding planning party is key to keeping everyone on the same page. Create a WhatsApp group and add your bridesmaids, groomsmen, parents, in-laws, and other VIPs involved in planning your big day. This makes communication a breeze and ensures no one feels left out of the loop.

  • Announce the group chat with an enthusiastic message. Something like: “The wedding planning is officially underway! This group chat will be our headquarters for sharing ideas, updates, questions, and more. Let the fun begin!”
  • Use the group to crowdsource opinions and make decisions. For example, ask “What colour scheme do you all like best?” or “Should we do a sit-down dinner or buffet-style?” Tally up the votes to guide your choice.
  • Share photos of venue options, cake designs, bridal gowns, or anything else you want input on. Two heads (or more!) are better than one.
  • Delegate tasks and to-dos through the group. If you need to help to stuff invitation envelopes or make centrepieces, ask! Your wedding party will be happy to lend a hand.
  • Post a schedule of upcoming planning meetings, deadlines, and events so everyone knows what’s on the horizon. Send reminders as needed.
  • Most of all, use the chat to share your excitement! Gush about finding the perfect dress or venue. Spread that newlywed joy. Your friends and family will feed off your enthusiasm.

Get chatting and happy planning! A lively, collaborative WhatsApp group will make planning more fun and help create cherished memories with your nearest and dearest. Staying connected will ensure everyone feels invested in your big day.

Whatsapp: How to create and invite into a group


You’ve got the ring, the date is set, and it’s time to assemble your wedding planning crew. Don’t go it alone – surround yourself with people who love and support you to help make planning fun and memorable. Your mom, sisters or best friends will be thrilled to join in on dress shopping and cake tasting. Ask your stylist coworkers to help pick out invitations and decor. Groomsmen can handle many logistical details like booking the venue and transportation.

Most importantly, lean on each other – this is your journey together. With the right team by your side, you can enjoy this special time and create a wedding you’ll cherish for years to come. The big day will be here before you know it, so start making those calls and get your wedding planning party started!


The key to successfully planning a wedding is surrounding yourself with the right team of helpers, including close friends, family, and professionals. They will support you and guide you throughout the planning process.

When choosing a wedding planner, consider their experience organizing weddings that match your style and budget. Check reviews and portfolios to find someone you connect with. Ask them specific questions about their experience with multicultural weddings, their planning style, and their process for creating schedules and sticking to budgets.

You can assign specific tasks to your friends and family to lighten your load. For example, you can ask your maid of honour and bridesmaids to help with bridesmaid dresses and hair and makeup trials. Your mom or future mother-in-law can handle booking hotel rooms for out-of-town guests, while your aunts can plan a bridal shower. Groomsmen can assist with choosing tuxedos or suits and organizing the bachelor party.

 It’s a great idea to include your bridal party in dress fittings and trials. They can offer a fresh set of eyes, provide feedback on dress options, and help you find the perfect dress. Their input during makeup and hair trials is also valuable, ensuring the stylist’s work aligns with your wedding vision.

To involve your parents and in-laws in the planning process, have early conversations with them to get their input and make them feel valued. Seek their advice on major decisions such as the guest list, budget, venue, theme, and menu. Including them in these discussions will help them feel appreciated and ensure everyone’s priorities are addressed.


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