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Dear Wedding Guests: Here Are 6 Things Malaysian Brides Wish You Wouldn’t Do

Congratulations, you’ve been invited to a Malaysian wedding! As a wedding guest, you’re in for a treat with delicious food, vibrant cultural traditions, and lively celebrations. But brides everywhere have a secret wish list of etiquette they hope guests will follow.

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Before you head to the festivities:

  1. Take a peek at this insider info from real Malaysian brides on things they wish you wouldn’t do at their wedding.
  2. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be the guest of honour’s new favourite invitee.
  3. From avoiding unsolicited advice to skipping social media oversharing, use this guide to ensure you’re the most considerate guest at the wedding. The happy couple will surely appreciate your thoughtfulness on their special day!

Ignore the Dress Code on the Invitation

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Ladies, your big day is finally here, and we know you’ve been dreaming about it for ages! While you’re busy with last-minute details, we have a little message for your guests: please follow the dress code!

Nothing ruins wedding photos like a sea of guests in jeans and t-shirts when the invite clearly states formal or semi-formal attire. Come on, people, it’s easy to dress up for a few hours to celebrate the happy couple! Dig out that little black dress or suit and tie and try.

The wedding day is not about you – it’s about the stunning bride and her dashing groom. Honour them by following their wishes. If you ignore the dress code, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb and distract from the stars of the show. Is that really the memory you want the newlyweds to have of their special day?

We know life gets busy, but take a few minutes to iron your outfit and do your hair. Your friends will appreciate your trying to look your best on their big day. And you might even meet a new plus if you look fabulous!

So do the bride and groom a solid – follow that dress code! Slip into your fanciest dress or sharpest suit and get ready to celebrate. Your friends will be thrilled you made their wishes a priority. After all, it’s the least you can do to support them on their magical, once-in-a-lifetime day!

6 Things Guests Should Never Wear to a Wedding

Show Up Empty-Handed

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Girl, we know you’re excited to celebrate, but showing up empty-handed is a major party foul! As a bride, the last thing you want is for guests to come and enjoy the lavish spread you’ve painstakingly planned without even a card to say congratulations.

Come on, ladies – you can do better than that! A small gift, no matter how simple, shows you care. If you’re strapped for cash, a heartfelt handwritten note in a nice card or a small, thoughtful trinket like a scented candle or photo frame can go a long way. The bride will surely appreciate knowing you put in a little effort to make her feel special on the big day.

And fellas, you’re not off the hook either! While the ladies are expected to gift items for the home, you can gift an experience for the new couple to enjoy together, like a nice dinner, spa treatment or activity voucher. Or keep it classic with a bottle of champagne or wine to toast the new chapter of their lives.

So do the right thing, get gifting and make it a day the new Mr. and Mrs. will never forget! The bride will remember and cherish Your thoughtfulness and generosity for years.

Don’t RSVP or RSVP at the Last Minute

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RSVPing promptly is a must. As soon as you get the invitation in the mail, send your reply back right away. Don’t make the bride track you down to get a final headcount. She has a million other things to worry about! When guests don’t RSVP, it makes it really tough for the couple to plan. They will need to find out how much food or drink to provide or how many centrepieces are needed.

Last-minute RSVPs or no-shows also mean wasted money. The bride and groom must pay for catering and rentals based on the total guest count. If people don’t show up, they’ve paid for uneaten meals and unused chairs. Don’t add extra stress by waiting until the week before to RSVP! As a best friend, you know how much time, money and effort goes into planning a wedding.

Coming to a wedding is a big commitment, so speak up as early as possible if you can’t make it. Reply with your attendance promptly to give the bride peace of mind. Let her know immediately if you have any dietary needs or restrictions so she can inform the caterer. The sooner, the better! Your friend will surely understand; she wants to know either way.

So do your friend a huge favour, and RSVP as soon as you get the invitation. Don’t be one of those guests that wait until the last minute or don’t respond at all. Make things easy on the bride and be a thoughtful friend. She’ll surely appreciate your enthusiasm and support!

Criticizing the Wedding Choices

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Brides spend months agonizing over every little detail to create their perfect wedding, so the last thing they need is guests criticizing their choices! As a guest, your role is to celebrate the happy couple, not pass judgment on their floral arrangements or cake flavours.

Save your personal opinions for your own wedding. The bride chose that dress, that venue, the caterer, and those centrepieces because they were meaningful to her. Rather than commenting that you would have done something differently, focus on complimenting the things you genuinely like. A few kind words about how beautiful the ceremony was or how delicious the food tasted will mean the world to any bride.

As a guest, try to go with the flow and make the best of things. Only some details will be perfect to your liking, but that’s different from what matters. Keep an open and positive attitude, and you’ll enjoy yourself much more! Focus on the love and joy surrounding you rather than any small imperfections. You’re there to support the happy couple as they embark on this new chapter of their lives together.

Do your part by celebrating the new Mr. and Mrs. without judgment or criticism. Keep your opinions to yourself and share in the couple’s happiness. That’s the greatest gift you can give! At the end of the day, it’s not your wedding – it’s theirs.

How to Respond to A Negative Review as a Wedding Pro

Getting Too Drunk

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Ladies, we know how excited you are to celebrate your best friend’s big day! However, as much as the bride appreciates your enthusiasm, getting overly intoxicated is one of the things she secretly wishes you wouldn’t do.

Downing one too many glasses of champagne or tequila shots may seem like a fun idea at the moment, but trust us, you’ll regret it the next day. Not only will you likely wake up with a pounding headache and queasy stomach, but you also risk embarrassing yourself and the couple in front of all the other guests.

Instead of going overboard, pace yourself by alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Have a glass of water or juice after each cocktail or wine. This will keep you hydrated and ensure you can actually remember the special moments from the wedding – like the couple’s first dance, cake cutting, and heartfelt speeches.

The bride has spent months planning this wedding, and she wants you to enjoy yourself – do so responsibly! After all the stress of organizing such an important event, the last thing she needs is to have to babysit her drunk friends! Stay in control of yourself and avoid getting sloppy drunk. Not only will you feel better the next day, but the bride will appreciate you keeping it classy at her wedding.

Leave Right After the Meal

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As a wedding guest, leaving right after the meal is a major faux pas. The bride and groom put in months of effort planning their special day and the party is just starting! Stick around to celebrate the new Mr. and Mrs. – they’ll appreciate your enthusiasm and support.

When the emcee invites everyone to the dance floor, be one of the first to bust a move! Show off your best moves and encourage others to join in the fun. Dance the night away and live it up – you can rest your feet tomorrow! The newlyweds will be thrilled to see their friends and family reunite to commemorate their joyous union.

The wedding cake cutting is a highly anticipated event. The bride and groom chose their cake carefully, selecting flavours to delight their guests. Cheer the couple on as they share their first sweet bite as husband and wife. Snap some photos, and take advantage of enjoying a slice of cake yourself.

As the evening winds down, be sure to personally congratulate the newlyweds one more time before heading out. Give them big hugs, wish them a lifetime of happiness together and thank them for including you in their special celebration. Your heartfelt words and presence until the end will make the day even more meaningful for the bride and groom.


So there you have it, ladies. Now that you know the secret pet peeves of brides on their big day, you’ll be the perfect wedding guest. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll have the bride singing your praises for years to come. Most importantly, remember that this day is all about the happy couple. Put your needs aside and do whatever you can to make their special day magical. Laugh, cry, dance and celebrate this joyous union. Make memories that will last a lifetime. And take lots of pictures – your best friend will thank you for capturing all the little details she’s too busy to see. Have a blast and make the most of this momentous occasion. The bride and groom will appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know. Here’s to a wedding day done right and a friendship that lasts forever!


A bride and groom usually specify a dress code on the wedding invitation to create a specific atmosphere and ensure that guests look appropriate. By following the dress code, you show respect to the couple’s wishes and contribute to the overall ambience of the wedding.

Bringing a gift to a wedding is a way to show the couple your love, support, and congratulations. It symbolizes your thoughtfulness and adds to their joyous celebration. Even a small, meaningful gift or a heartfelt card can significantly impact the couple feel special on their big day.

RSVPing promptly to a wedding invitation is essential because it helps couples plan their wedding. By responding as soon as you receive the invitation, you assist them in determining the guest count, arranging seats, and making necessary arrangements for catering and other services. It also shows respect for the couple’s time and efforts in organizing the event.

Criticizing the wedding choices made by the couple can be hurtful and disrespectful. Weddings are deeply personal and reflect the couple’s unique style and preferences. As a guest, supporting and celebrating their decisions is important rather than pass judgment. Focus on complimenting the aspects you genuinely like to make the couple feel appreciated and loved.

Controlling alcohol consumption at a wedding is important to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Getting excessively drunk can lead to embarrassing situations and potentially ruin the couple’s special day. By drinking in moderation, guests can fully participate in the festivities, remember precious moments, and demonstrate respect for the couple’s efforts in organizing the celebration.


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