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5 Must-Have Items for Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

You’ve spent months planning your dream wedding, and the big day is finally here! While you’ve thought of everything to ensure it goes off without a hitch, little mishaps can still happen. As a bride, the last thing you want is to be stressed out handling emergencies on your wedding day.

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That’s why preparing an emergency kit ahead of time is essential. This kit will give you peace of mind that your bridal party will handle any mini-crisis swiftly and smoothly. From fashion tape to pain relievers, here are 5 must-have items to include in your wedding day emergency kit so you can relax and enjoy this magical moment. With these essentials, you’ll be ready for anything and can focus on celebrating your new chapter surrounded by loved ones.

Item 1: Tissues and Wet Wipes: For Makeup Emergencies and Spills

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Your wedding day will surely be filled with excitement, emotion, and potential mini-disasters! Be prepared for any makeup emergencies or spills with a well-stocked kit of essentials.

Tissues and wet wipes should be at the top of your list. Stock up on soft, high-quality tissues to gently blot your eyes without smudging your makeup. Baby wipes, or makeup-removing wipes, are ideal for quickly cleaning up any spills or drips on your gown or veil.

With all these essentials, you’ll be ready to handle any wedding day emergency easily and gracefully. Then you can focus on enjoying every moment of your special day!

Item 2: Pain Relievers: For Headaches and Muscle Aches

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Your wedding day will surely be filled with excitement, activity, stress, and chaos. Be prepared for any little emergencies with a well-stocked wedding day emergency kit. One essential item to include is:

Pain relievers! Whether it’s a headache from the hustle and bustle or muscle aches from dancing the night away, you’ll want to have painkillers on hand. Pack some over-the-counter meds like:

  • Ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) for inflammation and general pain relief
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for headaches and body aches
  • Aspirin for mild pain and to reduce fever

Have a variety to find what works best for you and your bridal party. The last thing you need is a pounding head or sore feet to bring you down on your big day!

Be sure to include medical supplies like bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, eye drops, and any important OTC or prescription meds you regularly take. You’ll be so busy and excited; forgetting or misplacing these items is easy. But with your emergency kit, you can rest assured that any little pains, allergies, or medical needs will be addressed quickly, and you can return to enjoying your wedding!

An emergency kit is necessary for any bride who wants her wedding day to go off without a hitch. With these essential pain relievers and medical supplies within easy reach, you’ll be ready to remedy any situation and make more joyful memories. 

Item 3: Bandages and Blister Pads: For New Shoe Discomfort

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Ladies, we all know how painful breaking in a new pair of heels can be! On your wedding day, the last thing you want is sore, blistered feet. Come prepared by packing some essential first aid for your tootsies.

Bandages, band-aids, plasters—whatever you call them, be sure to toss some in your emergency kit. Look for soft, padded bandages that provide cushioning and relief from friction. If you start feeling a hot spot or rubbing on your heel, toe or ankle, apply a bandage immediately to prevent a blister from forming.

Blister pads or moleskin are also must-haves. These provide an extra layer of protection between your skin and the shoe. Place them on areas where you know you frequently get blisters. If a blister has already popped up, apply a blister pad to help relieve pain and speed healing.

Happy wedding and happy (pain-free) feet! With these handy items, you’ll be ready to dance the night away comfortably on your wedding day! No blister or sore foot will get in the way of walking down the aisle and celebrating with your loved ones. Take it from me; your feet will thank you for being so well prepared.

Item 4: Bobby Pins and Hair Ties: For Any Hairstyle Malfunctions

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Every bride wants to look picture-perfect on her wedding day, but sometimes little mishaps happen! Refrain from fretting if a few strands come loose or your updo unravels. With a handful of bobby pins and hair ties in your emergency kit, you’ll be ready to fix any hairstyle malfunction in a snap and get back to enjoying your magical day.

  • Bobby Pins are the bride’s best friend. Stock up on packs of bobby pins in different sizes, and you’ll be prepared for stray hairs or undone sections. Twist the loose pieces back and secure them with bobby pins, tucking the pins under your hairstyle so they’re hidden from view. Your guests will never know the difference!
  • Hair ties or small hair elastics are also useful to have on hand in case your hairstyle needs some quick re-styling. If your updo starts to fall apart or you want to change to a different style for your reception, gather sections of your hair and secure them with the hair ties to create a quick chignon or messy bun. You can also use the hair ties to pull back loose pieces around your face for a simple but elegant style.
  • Double-check that any bobby pins or hair ties match your hair colour for the most natural look. No one wants bright-coloured accessories peeking out from their hairstyle on their wedding day!


With some bobby pins and hair ties in your emergency kit, you have the tools to fix your hairstyle quickly and get back to the important things – like celebrating with your new spouse! Don’t let little hiccups ruin your wedding day bliss. Thanks to these simple but essential items, your guests will never know you had a hairstyle emergency.

Item 5: Deodorant and Perfume: To Freshen Up Throughout the Big Day

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Remember the Deodorant!

On your wedding day, you’ll be busy with photos, greeting guests, and dancing the night away. With all the excitement and activity, you’re bound to work up a sweat. Pack a travel-size deodorant and perfume in your emergency kit so you can freshen up anytime.

  • A small bottle of your signature perfume or cologne is perfect for spritzing your pulse points when you feel less than a wonderful wedding day. Deodorant will keep your underarms fresh after getting ready or between formal photos. Apply as needed to prevent embarrassing sweat stains in your gown or suit.
  • The familiar scent will boost your confidence and leave you smelling amazing in all your wedding photos.
Extra Fragrance for Your Bridal Party

Remember deodorant and perfume for your bridesmaids and groomsmen too. On such an important day, you want the whole bridal party to feel and smell their best.

  • Provide the same or complementary scents you’ve chosen for yourself. Your wedding day fragrance can become a special memory for everyone involved.
  • For an extra special touch, give the fragrances as a gift for your bridal party to use and enjoy even after your wedding. They’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness, and it’s a keepsake of your big day.


With deodorant, perfume and cologne in your emergency kit, you and your entire bridal party will smell as wonderful as you look. Feeling fresh and confident, you can focus on enjoying every magical moment of your wedding day. The memories you make will last forever, and certain scents may even remind you of your perfect day for years to come!

9 Best Selling Perfumes for Women in Malaysia 2023 


You’ve planned for months, and the big day is finally here. You’ve dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s to ensure everything goes smoothly. But life happens, and little emergencies can pop up when you least expect them. By preparing an emergency kit, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you can handle any surprise with grace and ease. So pack your kit, take a deep breath, and enjoy this magical moment. You deserve to relax and savour each second of your wedding day. With your emergency essentials and loved ones by your side, you’re ready to walk down the aisle and into your happily ever after. Congratulations! Now get married, you gorgeous, prepared bride, you!

At 50Gram Wedding, their primary goal is to provide you with a hassle-free wedding planning experience. With their expertise and meticulous attention to detail, they take care of every aspect of your wedding, ensuring a stress-free journey towards your special day. From conceptualizing your desired theme to managing vendors, budgets, and logistics, their dedicated team ensures a seamless and well-organized planning process. They value personalization and work closely with you to bring your vision to life. Trust in 50Gram Wedding to handle all the intricate details, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the joyous moments and create cherished memories on your wedding day.


  1. A small sewing kit with thread, needles, safety pins, and buttons for any last-minute clothing repairs.
  2. Tissues and wet wipes for makeup emergencies and spills.
  3. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches and muscle aches.
  4. Bandages and blister pads to address new shoe discomfort.
  5. Bobby pins and hair ties to fix any hairstyle malfunctions.

Tissues and wet wipes are essential in case of makeup emergencies or spills. Soft, high-quality tissues are perfect for gently blotting your eyes without smudging your makeup. Baby or makeup-removing wipes can quickly clean up spills or drips on your gown or veil.

 It is recommended to include over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) for inflammation and general pain relief, acetaminophen (Tylenol) for headaches and body aches, and aspirin for mild pain and reducing fever. A variety ensures you have options that work best for you and your bridal party.

Bandages and blister pads are crucial for addressing new shoe discomfort. Soft, padded bandages provide cushioning and relief from friction, preventing blisters from forming. Blister pads or moleskin are an extra layer of protection between your skin and the shoe, alleviating pain and speeding up healing if a blister has already formed.

Including bobby pins and hair ties in your emergency kit is recommended. Bobby pins are handy for securing loose strands or fixing undone sections of your hairstyle. Hair ties can help with quick re-styling or creating a different style. Ensure the bobby pins and hair ties match your hair colour for a natural look.


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