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The Biggest Wedding Planning Mistakes Malaysia Brides Make

You’re engaged, congratulations! Now the fun part begins – planning your dream wedding. As a bride-to-be, you want everything perfect for your big day. But with so many details to handle and deadlines to meet, it’s easy to make mistakes.

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Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We talked to top wedding planners in Malaysia and compiled a list of the 12 biggest wedding planning mistakes brides often make. Read on to discover what they are so you can avoid them and plan the wedding of your dreams without a hitch. This will be the best time of your life, and with our tips at your side you’ll breeze through planning and enjoy this special time. Let the countdown to the wedding begin!

Skipping the Guest List

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Brides, listen up! The guest list is one of the most important parts of planning your big day, so take it.

Girl, you’ve been dreaming of this wedding since you were little. Now’s the time to make that dream a reality and invite all your friends and family to celebrate with you! Sit down with your fiance and make a list of everyone you want to share this special moment with. Don’t forget grandparents, cousins, and old friends from school – the more the merrier!

Once you have the list, decide on your budget and guest count so you can choose a venue. And send out those invites at least 6-8 weeks in advance. Your guests will appreciate the notice to save the date and get ready for an amazing party!

Planning a wedding is exciting but can also be stressful. Don’t make it harder on yourself by forgetting key details like the guest list. Take it from us brides who have been there – you’ll be so glad you did! Your wedding day will be all the more special surrounded by the people you love the most.

So get started now and remember, be inclusive! The guest list sets the mood for your celebration. When your friends and family see the care you put into inviting them, they’ll be even more eager to share in your joy as you and your sweetheart become newlyweds!

Choosing a wedding planner too quickly

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Brides, listen up! Choosing your wedding planner is one of the most important decisions you’ll make, so don’t rush into it. Take your time to find one that’s the perfect match for your big day.

When looking for planners, check their experienced experts and see if their style matches your vision. Meet with a few and trust your instincts – you want someone you connect with! Ask about packages and services to find one in your budget.

Once you’ve found “the one”, get to know them! Share all your hopes, dreams, and details so they fully understand your ideal wedding. Be open and honest to build trust. Your planner is there to make this journey fun and stress-free!

With an awesome planner by your side, you can enjoy planning and look forward to your wedding. You can relax knowing every detail is handled and focus on what really matters – celebrating with friends and family!

A great planner will guide you through each step, provide advice and solutions, negotiate contracts, and keep you on schedule. They handle logistics so you can make meaningful decisions. Don’t miss out on this – a planner is worth their weight in gold!

Finding the perfect planner may take time, but it’ll be your best investment. Your wedding only happens once, so why not have an expert help craft your dream day? Start searching now and find your match – you’ll be so glad you did!

Forgetting the Marriage License

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Oh no, brides, don’t make this mistake! The marriage license is the most important piece of paper you’ll need to tie the knot. Without it, you’re not legally married – yikes!

As a Malaysian bride, you’ll need to apply for your marriage license at the National Registration Department (JPN) office in the district where either you or your groom reside. Do this at least a month before your wedding day. The process usually takes a few hours, so make a fun date with your fiance!

Bring your MyKad, birth certificates, and proof of marital status along. There may be a small fee for the license, so come prepared. The JPN officer will have you and your groom-to-be fill out some paperwork then review and approve your application.

Once issued, your marriage license is valid for 3 months. Don’t lose or damage it – keep it in a safe spot until your wedding day. Present the license to your solemnizer during your wedding ceremony. They will sign and seal it to make your marriage official. After the ceremony, return the signed license to JPN to register your marriage.

Planning a wedding is thrilling but also stressful. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the details, appointments and paperwork. But remember the marriage license – it’s a must-have! Take a deep breath, focus on what’s important, and remember why you’re planning this wedding in the first place. The marriage license may seem like just another task to check off the list, but it’s a symbol of the lifetime commitment you and your groom are about to make. What could be more exciting than that?

Hiring vendors who don’t allow clients to write reviews

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Brides, listen up! Choosing vendors who don’t allow online reviews is one of the biggest mistakes you can make while planning your wedding. These days, reviews are everything. How else will you know if a vendor is reputable or their services are up to par?

Do your research!

Search for potential vendors on wedding planning sites and read reviews from other brides. See what they love and look out for any warnings or complaints. If a vendor has mostly negative reviews mentioning unresponsiveness, lateness or poor quality, keep looking! There are too many amazing vendors out there to settle for someone subpar.

Ask if you can speak to past clients.

If a vendor has few reviews, ask if you can contact 1 or 2 of their previous brides. Speaking to real clients is one of the best ways to get unbiased feedback about a vendor’s services. If they say no, that’s a major red flag. What are they trying to hide?

Make sure you can leave your own review.

Before booking any vendor, confirm that you will be able to leave an honest review about your experience with them after the wedding. If they refuse, keep searching for vendors who value transparency and accountability.

Leaving reviews is a courtesy all brides should extend to help future brides in their planning journey. And allowing reviews shows that a vendor is confident in the high quality of their services. Don’t get stuck with vendors you can’t review – you’ll regret it later! Do your homework and choose vendors who proudly stand by their work. Your wedding day will be all the better for it!

Being afraid to have “the talk” with parents

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Be bold and speak up about what you really want! As excited as you are to finally marry the love of your life, wedding planning can be stressful. One of the biggest mistakes brides make is avoiding difficult conversations with their parents about wedding expectations.

Your wedding is ultimately about you and your fiancé, so communicate your vision clearly to avoid hurt feelings or disappointment on your big day. Have an open and honest conversation with both sets of parents about things like:

  • Guest list – If there are certain relatives or family friends you don’t want to invite, speak up! Let your parents know your reasons so they understand your perspective. Compromise where you can, but stand firm on any non-negotiables.
  • Cultural or religious traditions – Discuss which wedding customs are meaningful to you and which you’d prefer to exclude. Find a balance that honors your family’s traditions but still reflects your values and style as a couple.
  • Budget – Be transparent about how much you can contribute and how much you need from your parents. Come prepared with estimates for major wedding costs in your area so you’re all on the same page. If needed, look for ways to cut costs that will maintain the overall vision.


Open communication is key. While it may feel awkward, voicing your opinions honestly and respectfully will help set the right expectations, avoid future disagreements, and ensure your wedding day truly reflects you both as individuals and as a couple. This is the first big milestone of your marriage, so start it off on the right foot by speaking your truth with compassion. Your parents will appreciate your honesty, and you’ll feel much better knowing your dream wedding is within reach!

Not warning your wedding planner about potential family drama

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Brides, listen up! Family drama happens, and weddings magnify it. Don’t make the mistake of not giving your wedding planner the heads up about any potential family issues they should be aware of. Forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes!

Tell your planner about:

  • Any divorced parents or stepparents and their dynamics. Seating them far apart during the reception or avoiding having them walk down the aisle together may prevent discomfort.
  • Siblings or relatives who don’t get along. Your planner can make sure they are in separate bridal parties and seated apart.
  • Demanding or overbearing family members. Provide guidance on the best way to handle them and set clear boundaries to avoid their interference.
  • Cultural or religious considerations that could cause tension. Explain the situation to your planner so they can be sensitive about these issues.


The more information you provide, the better your planner will be equipped to navigate difficult family relationships and defuse drama. Don’t stress yourself over it – that’s why you hired a professional! With the right planning and tact, your wedding can go off without a hitch and your family will be none the wiser. Focus on enjoying this special time and trusting your planner to handle any bumps in the road. The day will be perfect as long as you end up married to the love of your life!

Allowing too many people to have an opinion

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the suggestions and opinions from friends and family about your wedding plans? Wedding planning should be fun, not stressful! Refrain from feeling obligated to please everyone or incorporate all their ideas into your big day.

This is your wedding, so make the decisions you and your fiancé want. Politely but firmly tell pushy relatives that you appreciate their enthusiasm but have specific plans. Come up with a standard response like “We want to keep things simple and focus on what really matters to us.” Ask your parents or wedding party to run interference if needed.

Focus on surrounding yourself with your closest friends and family members who support you fully. Let their positivity lift you up and drown out the naysayers. Make Pinterest boards, share photos on WhatsApp, plan together over coffee and cakes! Their excitement will energize you.

Your wedding is a chance to express your unique style as a couple. Don’t let too many opinions muddy your vision. Stay true to what you both want, set clear boundaries, and lean on your true supporters. Keep your eyes on the prize—at the end of the day you’ll be happily married, and that’s what really counts!


You’ve planned everything down to the last detail and your big day is just around the corner. Avoid these common mistakes and your wedding will be an unforgettable celebration. Stay on schedule, take a deep breath, and remember why you’re doing this – because you found the love of your life and want to share your joy with friends and family. Focus on what matters, let the little things go, and embrace the imperfections. Your guests are there to support you, so enjoy this special time together. In the end, the only thing people will remember is how happy you both looked. You’ve got this, bride – now go get married! The adventure of a lifetime awaits.


The guest list is crucial because it sets the tone for your wedding and determines the size of the venue you’ll need. It’s important to make a list of all the people you want to share your special day with and plan accordingly to accommodate them.

Finding the right wedding planner takes time and consideration. Look for experienced planners whose style matches your vision. Meet with several planners and trust your instincts to find someone you connect with. Be open and honest in your communication to build trust.

To obtain a marriage license in Malaysia, you must apply at the National Registration Department (JPN) office in the district where you or your groom reside. This should be done at least a month before your wedding. Bring necessary documents, such as MyKad, birth certificates, proof of marital status, and a small fee. After approval, the license is valid for 3 months.

Reviews provide valuable insights into a vendor’s reputation and the quality of their services. Choosing vendors with positive reviews can help ensure you’re working with reliable and reputable professionals. It’s also important to be able to leave your own review to help future brides in their planning journey.

Open communication with parents about wedding expectations is important to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Discussing guest lists, cultural or religious traditions, and budgets can help set the right expectations and ensure that your wedding day reflects your vision as a couple.


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