50gram Wedding Refund Policy

Welcome to 50gram Wedding. We are dedicated to making your special day flawless and memorable. We understand that plans can change, and we have developed the following refund policy to address any such instances with fairness and transparency.

Refund Eligibility

  1. Pre-Service Cancellation:

    • Clients may cancel their engagement with 50gram Wedding services within 7 days of signing up without incurring any charges, provided that no substantive planning work has been initiated. Full refunds will be issued in such cases.
  2. Service Cancellation by Client:

    • If you decide to cancel our services after the initial 7-day period, please be advised that refunds are not available once our team has commenced work. This policy is in place because resources and extensive man-hours are dedicated to planning and coordinating your event from the moment of engagement.
  3. Event Cancellation Due to Unforeseen Circumstances:

    • In the unfortunate event that your wedding must be canceled due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control (e.g., natural disasters, public health emergencies), we will review each case individually. Depending on the amount of work already invested, we may offer a partial refund or credit towards future services.
  4. Issues with Vendors:

    • 50gram Wedding acts as a mediator between clients and vendors. Should there be any dissatisfaction with a vendor’s service, clients are encouraged to resolve these issues directly with the vendor. We will assist in facilitating communications, but financial resolutions must be handled directly between the client and the vendor.

Refund Process

  • To initiate a refund request, please contact us at [email protected] with the following details:
    • Your name and contact information
    • Details of the service
    • Reason for the refund request
  • Our customer service team will assess your request and respond within 14 business days. We may require additional documentation or a meeting to better understand the situation.

Additional Information

  • This refund policy is subject to changes, which will be reflected on this page. Clients are encouraged to revisit this policy periodically to stay informed of any updates.
  • Our ultimate goal is to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any concerns or questions about our refund policy, please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification.

Thank you for choosing 50gram Wedding. We are committed to providing you with exceptional service and support.