Get Your Wedding Guests to RSVP on Time for Your Reception

Congratulations on the exciting moment in your life: a big, beautiful wedding day! We here at 50Gram Wedding know that prepping for your special day can be daunting, with so many details to consider when planning. One of the most important boxes to check off your list: making sure all your guests RSVP on time and show up for the reception.

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Fear not! Here at 50Gram Wedding, we have vast experience helping couples get their wedding guests to RSVP on time so that you can start your reception without any delays. Keep reading, and you’ll learn exactly what needs to be done to get all your lovely guests to RSVP on time so you can start party planning without care! We’ve got you covered.

Set a Firm RSVP Deadline for Your Wedding Guest List

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

Getting your wedding guests to respond on time means that you can dependably plan well in advance for seating arrangements, catering, and any other details for your special day! Set a firm RSVP deadline for your guest list and remind them about it. Expressing the urgency to reply to the invitation is a great way to do this. This includes indicating when you need their responses and any additional information, they may need to help them make their decision.

Send out polite but friendly emails or texts reminding guests to RSVP, as some may still need to open or see the invitation. Send multiple reminders if necessary, but always keep it polite and friendly to avoid offending anyone! You can also set up reminders a few weeks before the deadline start date.

Create a Wedding Website to Share All the Details

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

Creating a wedding website is one of the best ways to ensure guests can access the same information—including RSVP details. It’s like having a one-stop shop that everyone can visit for all their event-related needs. Your website should include the when, where and how to RSVP and details on wedding gift registries, accommodations, dress codes and more.

Plus, having a wedding website helps take some pressure off your vendors by keeping them in the loop with all the event details. That way, you won’t need to keep repeating yourself when answering questions from your caterers or florists.

Do you want to make sure your guests RSVP on time? Integrate an RSVP system into your website so that guest responses are collected in one central location! That’ll make it easier for you to review responses and ensure they’re all accounted for.

How to create a gorgeous wedding website in 7 steps

Send Out Interactive Digital Invitations for Your Wedding Reception

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

Technology has revolutionized the way you can communicate with your wedding guests. You can get your wedding guests to RSVP on time for your reception by using interactive digital invitations! With 50Gram Wedding’s online wedding planning platform, you can easily create digital wedding invites and track the RSVPs.

Not only will digital invitations save you time and money, but they also provide a better user experience for your guests. 

Here’s how:

  1. Engaging Designs – You can make creative design choices that will make your guests eager to open and explore your invitation. Think vibrant colours, interesting fonts or eye-catching illustrations!
  2. Real-time Updates – You can effortlessly update the guest list in real time so that all your attendees can access the latest updates. Plus, 50Gram Wedding’s platform will notify you when a guest has opened their invitation and responded, allowing you to follow up with them if needed.
  3. Respond in Style – With 50Gram Wedding’s platform, you can let guests RSVP in style with an easy-to-use form or via social media like Facebook or WhatsApp – making it easier for them to respond immediately!


When you take advantage of technology like what 50Gram Wedding provides, sending out interactive digital invitations is no longer a stressful task – it can be enjoyable!

Follow Up With Guests Who Haven’t Sent Their RSVP Yet

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

When the deadline for RSVPs approaches and you still need to hear back from some of your guests, it’s time to follow up! Here are some tips on how to do it without coming off as desperate:


Keep It Short and Sweet

A simple text message or email telling them you’re waiting for their response is great; this way, they’ll know you care about their attendance. If they reply quickly, don’t pester them; a simple “Thank you for letting me know!” should suffice.


Give the RSVP Deadline a Buffer Day

Adding an extra day or two to the deadline will give your guests more time to respond. Letting them know they can still RSVP after the original date, but with an earlier response is appreciated, as it can make things less stressful.


Personalize Your Outreach

Giving them a personal call or sending a personalized message can remind them of their importance to you. You can even write a small thank you note with their invitation card, saying, “We hope we can count on seeing both of you at our wedding!” That’ll surely leave them feeling special and make it easier to reply quickly.

Thanks to the 50Gram Wedding platform, couples nowadays don’t have to worry about chasing after their guests anymore—its automated reminder feature will do it all for you! So if your wedding is just around the corner and your guest list isn’t quite filled yet, consider giving 50Gram Wedding a try today!

Offer Incentives to Guests Who RSVP Early

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

You may not be aware, but offering incentives to your wedding guests who RSVP early can be a great way to get them to submit their responses on time. This way, you can plan your dream wedding reception without unnecessary delays.

Here are some ideas you could consider:

  • Give away special gifts or keepsakes for all your early-birds
  • Offer a special discount or loyalty program for those who respond quickly
  • Send out fun and unique postcards as thank yous that feature a unique code


At 50Gram Wedding, we understand the importance of having your event start at the right time—so by offering incentives like these, you’ll be able to inspire and encourage your guests to RSVP in time! Plus, it’s an extra bonus that everyone will enjoy.

Be Available to Answer Any Questions From Your Wedding Couple

wedding guest list wedding RSVP wedding malaysia wedding guest

Making sure your wedding guests RSVP on time is definitely an important factor in planning your reception. A great way to do this is to be available to answer any of your guests’ questions.

With 50Gram, you can answer questions 24/7 with their built-in messaging feature. This allows you to set up a direct line of communication between you and your guests so you can get real-time answers and feedback. Plus, all messages are organized into one inbox, making it easy to keep track of incoming queries.

Additionally, 50Gram’s interactive dashboard lets you easily see which of your guests have responded and when they did so—and if they still haven’t sent back their RSVPs, you can quickly send a reminder message.

If any of your wedding couples have specific questions regarding the timing or RSVP process, you’ll have all the answers ready!


Wedding planning can often be stressful, but with 50Gram Wedding, you can make sure your RSVPs arrive on time easily. 50Gram Wedding’s online wedding planner platform is designed to help you keep track of your guest list without stress. From creating a customized RSVP form to automated reminders for those who have yet to RSVP, 50Gram Wedding has all the tools you need to ensure your guests RSVP on time. With an online wedding planner platform like 50Gram Wedding, you can rest assured that your wedding reception will go as smoothly as possible.


To ensure timely RSVPs from your wedding guests, you can follow these steps:

  • Set a firm RSVP deadline and clearly communicate it to your guests.
  • Send a polite and friendly email or text reminders, including the deadline and any necessary information.
  • Create a wedding website where guests can access all the details, including RSVP instructions.
  • Integrate an RSVP system into your website to collect guest responses in one central location.
  • Consider using interactive digital invitations that provide real-time updates and make it easy for guests to respond.

Yes, sending multiple reminders for RSVPs is acceptable, but keeping them polite and friendly is important to avoid offending anyone. You can send polite emails or texts as reminders, especially to those who have not responded. Additionally, setting up reminders a few weeks before the RSVP deadline can prompt guests who may have missed the initial invitation.

To make it easier for your wedding guests to RSVP, consider the following:

  • Create a wedding website that includes RSVP details along with other important information.
  • Integrate an RSVP system into your website to streamline the response collection process.
  • Use interactive digital invitations that allow guests to respond immediately using an easy-to-use form or through social media platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp.
  • Offer clear instructions and make the RSVP process as straightforward as possible.

 If you haven’t received RSVPs from some of your guests, you can follow these steps:

  • Keep your follow-up messages short and polite, reminding them you await their response.
  • Consider adding a buffer day or two to the RSVP deadline to give guests more time to respond.
  • Personalize your outreach by giving them a personal call or sending a personalized message to remind them of their importance and encourage a prompt response.
  • Take advantage of automated reminder features offered by platforms like 50Gram Wedding to streamline the follow-up process.

Yes, offering incentives can be an effective way to encourage guests to RSVP early. Consider these ideas:

  • Provide special gifts or keepsakes for guests who respond early.
  • Offer a special discount or loyalty program for those who RSVP promptly.
  • Send out fun and unique postcards as thank yous, featuring a unique code that can be redeemed for a small gift or discount. By offering these incentives, you can motivate your guests to respond on time and help ensure a smoother planning process for your wedding reception.


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